Wednesday, July 28, 2010

City Hall Demo - July 28, 2010

Slusarski Excavating & Paving continues to demo the "old" city hall. The building is now a shell of the original.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Demolition of Old City Hall

Work continues on the demolition of the "old" city hall by Slusarski Excavating & Paving. Recent work included the removal of sections of the roof and steel.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

City Hall Parking Lot Prep Work

The south Toledo Street parking lot which serves the City Hall, Library, Croswell, and local businesses will be redesigned as part of the city complex project. The goal is to create a pedestrian friendly lot which requires little maintenance. Service Electric was recently awarded the bid to put in new LED lighting. Prep work for this project has started. Much of the prep work will be completed by the City's DPW staff. In these photos you can see them hard at work.