Library visitors over the last few weeks have seen a transformation in
Library Square, the park to the north of the library, from construction zone back to the park's natural beautiful state. A significant amount of work took place to open up the ground in Library Square to place the electrical framework for the new city complex. Most of the digging has now been completed and the grass has been seeded in selected areas. Further work on the grass areas will take place this fall by the City's Park and Forestry Department. For now, the electrical work has moved into the library and library patrons can expect to hear the sounds of progress from our electrical crew during your library visits. Our electrical crew is doing their best to keep the noise down and minimize the impact on library services when possible.
However, it has been determined that the Library will have to close for approximately a week when the library switches over to their new electrical service in early August. The exact closure dates are still to be determined and will be shared with the public shortly.